Innovative transport system in a new production shed

November 2019. Alzner Automotive GmbH in Grafenau is a dynamically growing family company in the field of stamping and bending technology. On building a new production shed the company entrusted H+H Herrmann + Hieber with the planning and supply of storage and in-house transport of components weighing up to seven tonnes. The equipment has now started operating.

In its new building Alzner has installed highly automated production equipment, which according to the company is used mainly for the production of components for battery modules. In the area of the new shed an automated high-bay racking storage unit and a floor-level block store for heavy tools, coils and plates have additionally been installed.

For the storage and transport of the coils, tools and plates in the block store, which weight up to 7 tonnes, Alzner decided for an innovative system by H+H Herrmann + Hieber. The concept provides for an automatic crane with special racks designed for the items to be transported, for the transport of items weighing up to seven tonnes into the block store. Compared with floor-level conveyors, transport by automatic crane achieves significant savings of both storage area and time.

To avoid idle times, a so-termed “storage tower” has been installed by H+H in the existing production shed, with which the coils and tools actually needed at the time can be intermediately stored and brought out quickly when necessary. Transport between the new shed and the existing sheds is also included in what H+H is supplying.