Contract announcement, May 2019. A noted European extrusion plant has commissioned H+H to design and supply a central automated packaging system for extrusions. This is a highly modern unit designed to meet a variety of packaging specifications (large bundles, customers’ racks, carton packs).
This investment is intended to rationalise the section packaging system. A reduction of idle times is achieved with the help of the mechanisation of transport operations for sections, load carriers, intermediate layers and packaging materials. The actual packaging activities are accelerated by ergonomic design and mechanisation of the packaging stations.
In the central packaging system the filled load carriers – in stacks of up to three at a time – are brought in on roller tracks and separated out by means of a rack stacking machine. For short intermediate storage periods buffer stretches are provided. A common de-stacking machine empties the load carriers and places the sections individually onto transverse conveyor belts which transports them to the packaging stations. The intermediate layers (spacers) are collected and – again automatically – loaded into cassettes for transport back to where they are needed. The empty racks are stacked again, if necessary intermediately stored, and returned automatically.