colordruck Baiersbronn continues its successful collaboration with H+H

Contract announcement, April 2019. The collaboration between colordruck Baiersbronn W. Mack GmbH & Co. and the company H+H goes back more than ten years. As part of enlargement measures at the customer, H+H has now been commissioned to supply two additional levels of two H+H vertical conveyor devices and ground-level conveyor units for in-house pallet transport.

The company colordruck Baiersbronn, founded in 1954, supplies a comprehensive assortment of packaging solutions of the highest quality, functionality and economy for several different branches. The company regards itself as a flexible and reliable partner for industrial and trading companies in the sectors of foods, confectionery products, pharmaceuticals and non-food products. Around 260 employees produce more than s billion packs each year, worth almost 46 million Euros.

The company’s logistics centre was last enlarged in 2016. At that time a vertical conveyor connecting three storeys with one another and stationary floor-level conveyors were installed on the various levels. The current enlargement by one storey now makes it necessary to install additional transport units on the new level.

The task to be performed envisages that a variety of pallet designs have to be transported. In this case the conveyor equipment must be designed so that if necessary the forks of fork-lift trolleys can be inserted under them. Moreover, particular attention is demanded by the relatively strict safety requirements and consistent fire-protection measures throughout the plant.

The new part of the plant is scheduled to begin operating in week 21 of 2019.